Monday, November 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by blubird.

This was a dark, dreary, rainy and foggy day. I spent it doing the errands I'd put off doing last week due to the holiday, got a good start on the xmas shopping, and got my christmas cards - postcards this year - printed up at Office Max. All the art I've been making is for gifts, so no sneak peeks, most likely no posts of any of it for awhile as I don't know I'll have time for anything else. Yet this has been very enjoyable, I've made soldered ornaments, a few quilties, and am just starting work on some picture frames. And it's not even december - whooo, hoooo, I'm ahead of my game!

Friday, November 25, 2005

after the turkey

Originally uploaded by blubird.

smile, my turkeys!!

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by blubird.

I am so thankful for my boys - shown here in 1989 before we went to my little brother's wedding. They are now 20 and 22 years old (I'm sure will have updated pictures tomorrow). They drove down from Ohio this afternoon to spend this holiday with me, and have filled fill my house with their energy and maleness, they certainly make it a home. I cooked them an enormous dinner which they tucked right into and are now sleeping it off, "watching" football - they should be waking up for pie soon. Ernie, my puppy, is so excited he doesn't know which lap to snuggle up in, everytime I peek down from the loft he is with a different one (then every few minutes he runs up here to be sure he is, probably, in the right house)!

I feel FULL - of love and gratitude.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by blubird.

I encountered too many women looking like this today, my job as a part-time cashier in a grocery store testing my patience in dealing with their frazzled states, just have to grin and bear it.

Tis the season??!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

{Self Portrait Tuesday}

Originally uploaded by blubird.

I am trying something new the last few months - using a sewing machine to express myself through my art. A new identity - well, one more facet.

Monday, November 21, 2005

genesis paper trimmer

genesis paper trimmer
Originally uploaded by blubird.

After having gone through the gamut of paper cutters I decided on this - the mother of all trimmers!! Actually I made this decision a couple years ago, decided when I got all moved and settled I would treat myself. Until I found out you had to order it and give a credit card number - and the delivery date was projected to be at that time around 18 months out!

Today (is it just that I am moving again??!) I enquired as to wait time. Although a vague response was given I am led to believe it will be about a year, sigh. However, no longer is your credit card number given until it is ready for delivery. So I am on the list, woo hoo!!

To see more about them:

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Originally uploaded by blubird.

Spent most of the day cleaning my art space/office. I have to profess, I am a packrat. The place looks fabulous now, everything is in its' place, like stuff with like, etc. I do believe, however, my realtor will most likely faint when she sees it! This is more or less a "retirement" neighborhood of the golf course community I live at - I am sure it's going to take a few people by surprise - not your typical nest!

After that just had to do a little project so took a picture I had of two dear friends, transferred it onto fabric, and made two "mirror image" quilties as christmas gifts. Hope they will like them as much as I enjoy making them.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Originally uploaded by blubird.

The best remedy
for those who are afraid,
lonely or unhappy is to go outside,
somewhere where they can be quiet,
alone with the heavens,
nature and God.
Because only then
does one feel
that all is as it should be
and that God
wishes to see people happy,
amidst the simple beauty of nature...
I firmly believe
that nature
brings solace in all troubles.
~Anne Frank

Friday, November 18, 2005

{ sweetness }

Originally uploaded by blubird.

Giving STUDIO FRIDAY a try today. These are photos I collect and use in my collage work.

Originally uploaded by blubird.

I had to put on a sweater today and put away my flip flops (yesterday actually, I guess it is 2 o'clock in the morning) as our temperatures cooled way down - from 75 degrees the day before to 52 today/yesterday - according to the meteorologists here we are now officially entering winter weather in North Carolina! These are cooler days with the most amazing blue blue sunny skies. And it snowed six inches in Grand Rapids, Michigan - why am I moving back there????

Monday, November 14, 2005

Originally uploaded by blubird.

A birthday card for my co-worker, Susan, a true southern gal.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Originally uploaded by blubird.

What's your pleasure?!

There is no doubt I am addicted to books and magazines. This represents the purchases of yesterday/today. I absolutely cannot go into a store and skip the book or at least magazine aisle if it has one. Yesterday it was a stop at B&N and a run into Walmart. And I had good intentions going into Michael's with my veteran's day 50% off coupon, but the shadow box I wanted was already on sale so bought the Vintage Christmas book. Today I had to go into Target (Billy Crystal, Joan Didion and Nate Berkus - that a no brainer, he's cute and a great decorator as well '~). One of the magazines arrived in the mail (subscriptions, subscriptions) and Amazon came through with another. And no, I have not gotten through the pile I started in on friday!

My "routine" is to glance through them and then save them for a more thorough perusal after getting into pj's and into bed. I still need a queen size bed even I sleep alone, LOL!!

I used to (prior to the days of Amazon) keep a little notebook in my purse specifically filled with titles of books to check out. Should have stuck with that system because now they are written on all kinds of slips of paper with the intent to get them upstairs near the computer. I can keep some of them in my mind, but these days, as I approach another birthday, I find the ole memory ain't what it used to be!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Originally uploaded by blubird.

"after imbibing too much of the holiday cider Gert wore the thanksgiving turkey on her head" ~ a quilty.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Originally uploaded by blubird.

Today I am going to catch up on reading - bought SON OF A WITCH a few weeks ago and haven't yet cracked the spine - I thought I'd quickly re-read WICKED first but find it is missing from the bookshelf so that idea is out. Also have piles of magazines, art books and zines I've acquired over the last month. One month's worth here equates to ALOT of "can't miss" reading material and this could actually keep me busy for my entire four-day weekend. That's not going to happen but for today I have to wait on repairmen to come and fix a ceiling problem in my studio/office so it gives me permission to fritz the day away in this fashion. I have alot of art brewing in my mind but until they are out of here I have to hold those thoughts.

I've been so stressed the last five years or more I rarely slept more than four or five hours a night. I was never tired and could just wake up and do something as if I'd never been sleeping. Things dramatically changed this summer - I find myself very tired towards evening and fall asleep almost immediately if I even think of a prone position! At first I blamed it on the 5am wake-up I do on my work days but this is happening every single day now. I finally realized it could be the blood pressure medication I was put on - and sure enough in reading of the side effects it states as one of them "excessive tiredness". I don't like this at all and since I also have what seems to be boiling blood at times I think I am going to check if there is something else I can try. This has definitely lowered the BP, and quickly, but it is also altering my life-style, such that it is, and I really am not into sleeping every spare minute to say the least.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Nov 2005 006
Originally uploaded by blubird.

A beautiful day at Sunset Beach, NC, sunday!