Originally uploaded by blubird.
There are so many tedious things to attend to when moving. The past two days I have spent on the phone, making lists upon lists and trying to keep straight who I needed to call back and in what order as it depended on what I learned from one party as to what I communicated to the next. Oh, and have I mentioned I fired the movers?! Well not fired per se, as the contract hadn't been signed, but I am not up for dealing with some sarcastic and condescending pr--, um, person, at this point in the process. I need someone who will take care of this as they did my last move, those guys even asked to drive the truck down here so they could set me back up, now that's quality service! That thrill of victory evaporated quickly, this leaves me with no packing to be done this weekend as I have used up what boxes I had and will have to wait until I get a company hired and some boxes - like about 300+ - delivered. (do now have someone scheduled on monday morning, bright and early)! All fine and dandy except being a pack rat means that every square inch of space in this house is at the limit of stuff capacity, and why do I have, literally, hundreds and hundreds of books?? I move in one month!!!! Well, when I wasn't on the phone (and I guess even at times when I was) I sorted, and shredded, and god help me it isn't something I am asked for tomorrow as that is how my life turns, it revolves on a very wobbly axis.
I slept tonight - probably about ten minutes. I don't know what woke me, can only attribute it to panic as I have started not sleeping again this week because I seem to have those lists superimposed on the brain. And of course have had some wild dreams - the kind which come because you are feeling less than in control of your life?? Yeah, those.
Maybe it's the full moon, I do hear howling.
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