Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a face like this just melts the heart

Originally uploaded by blubird.

A little freaked out by the noise of the blender, Ernie hightailed it out of the kitchen and ran to a chair and comforted himself with his favorite toy. He won't let me out of his sight so was just hanging back, waiting for things to calm down! Looks like quite the valentine shot with the red dog I thought.


katie said...

ernie is such a sweetheart...truly a heart melter :-)

i have to catch up on your blog - i'm reading backwards...are you all moved in??!!!


mary boyer said...

No - have six days until the movers arrive to load my stuff, whew! Plan on getting to Michigan in the wee hours of the 24th, have the closing on that house later in the afternoon and then take possession. Want to paint the master bedroom and bath over the weekend (even it's a new house I want a warmer color palette than is there) and hopefully my stuff will be delivered monday or tuesday!