Thursday, June 22, 2006


...and in about 30-45 days I will need a lawn mower, cross my fingers! The sun even has come out, it's been cloudy with intermittent rain all day. One more thing crossed off the list, this the last major hurdle - I hope!

1 comment:

katie said...

Your home looks beautiful, Mary. You are so organized and ambitious, I'm SO impressed!

Have you given any thought about going to ArtFest in 2007? I've decided I'm going, for sure. Teesha is supposed to have the teacher list up on her site the end of July, maybe that will tempt you :-) I'd love to room in one of those *nice* houses you stayed in a few years back, what do you think??

You asked about my scarf - I hadn't even thought of hanging it but it's a good idea. My walls are so bare, and I have piles of artwork - I'm REALLY bad at getting around to stuff like that. I'll be making dolls with kimono fabric that I'll be selling at Art & Soul Portland in October and maybe other kimono related stuff as well - just depends on how much I can get done. The kids are arriving in the next couple hours - let the fun begin!!