Monday, July 17, 2006

heat wave

Well, I just wrote a big long post about my night of redecorating - and lost the entire thing. So much for that, maybe someday I'll get back on that whole topic.

Right now I have to say the heat and humidity are consuming me - trying to stay inside and cool. I am sure my guys would be the first to call their mom a big ole wuss - and I'd have to agree! Carla told me something when I asked, after moving to the south a couple years back, how she survived the heat and humidity of the summers. She said, "you wear as little clothes as possible and hope you don't get arrested"! I actually heard comments when living "down there" such as "baby powder is a girl's best friend", gads. God knows were I a southern belle I'd probably say I was absolutely glowing right now, but I am a true northerner and feel I'm sweating like that proverbial pig (although hope I am not always so crass)! yuck.

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