Friday, August 11, 2006

being in the {nothing} zone

Being in the nothing zone, how satisfying, how decadent, how lucky, how perfectly summer.

~Days that blend into the next and you don't know where they went.
~Not alot gets accomplished but there are clean towels and clothes, what more can ya want.
~I do take time to smell - and water, and prune - the flowers.
~Walking the dog each evening.
~Delighting in him chasing butterflies.
~A good book read cover to cover with no interruptions.
~Grilling fresh corn on the grill.
~Strawberries, and blueberries, and watermelon, oh my!
~Shh, and ice cream.
~A new shelf on the wall to fill with forgotten stuff coming out of boxes packed eons ago.
~Flea markets, art fairs, and antique shows.
~The beach, ahhhh, the beach.
~SWIMMING in the lake, diving in the waves, sand in every crevice and crack. Perfection on a hot afternoon.
~The smell of sun tan lotion, the sound of flip flops.
~The windows down in the car, the breeze blowing my hair, music blasting on the cd player.
~A summer birthday party - the grill, the pool, the family.
~Filling a birdbath.
~Watching a real honest to god paper boy ride his wagon, zigzagging, down the street, legs spread, big grin.
~Daydreaming on a chaise lounge under a canopy of rustling leaves.
~Swinging on a porch swing.
~Vibrant sunsets.
~Windows thrown open wide to the sound of crickets on a full moon evening.
~Sleeping in.

Life, although much yet to sort out and accomplish, still with anxiety that creeps in due to the unknown, is, for the moment, satisfying. The dog days of August? These feel as if puppy days, filled with squirming delight and slobbering kisses. And if indeed the calm before another storm, savored all the more in the knowing. Truly feeling, truly experiencing, summer. Love it.

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