Monday, December 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by blubird.

Back home in Charlotte with some big, big news -

Yes, I did it again - bought a house! When I bought the house here in NC two years ago December I did so in a weekend. This house in Michigan also was found, an offer put on the table and accepted - all in a short couple days. As much as people are so incredulous at the apparent ease I can make these decisions, I do have to agree wholeheartedly - this is the easiest part of it all (and much fun to boot)!

And this house is wonderful, I love it! It is being built by a guy who only builds a few houses a year and who really does a quality job. It is nearly completed, in fact should be done sometime this week. The four days I was in and out of it I got to see the work of an amazing tile guy, he's done an excellent job with some great mosiac tile installations in all the bathrooms as well as in the kitchen and much of the flooring throughout. The last I went in I was able to take my boys over for a quick peek just before dark friday evening, carpet was about ready to be laid so I got to see the entire family room with it rolled out - much better than imagining what the six inch square sample will look like. Closing is set for February 15th - now need to get this house here on the market and hire the movers - yikes!

Being up there for the week was so much fun. I spent quality time with my family and saw alot of friends - I must say at this age staying out until 3am, however, takes its toll!! Giving up the 50-some degree temperatures of a NC winter for all that snow - a trade-off I am most willing to make for having the warmth and love of them all. Looking forward to getting there and settling in!

1 comment:

firstborn studio said...

this is a great house...soon to be home for you,mary!i am so happy that you will be near your fam...they will keep you warm up there!
happpppy new year!
much love 2u,