Friday, August 04, 2006

what day is it?!

I've suffered excrutiating headaches this week, therefore been lying low - very, very low. We've had astonishingly hot temperatures and humidity, rain a couple of times, my air conditioning was out for a -mercifully- short period of time, all playing havoc with my very temperamental and sensitive sinuses. Years and years and years ago I went the rounds of tests trying to determine what exactly was causing my headaches. For a few years it was thought they were migraines and I had medication for that malady. Then with the frequency of them it was thought, no, they were cluster headaches and medication was adjusted. End result is that they are sinus headaches and doctors told me even most people think that is what they have it is most usually something else. So I guess I am in a smaller select group of people who suffer the true blue thing and they are no different in pain than those other types but they last longer - wonderful, huh?! I take a daily antihistamine/decongestant to ward them off and have for years. Apparently, however, something in the air in Michigan really triggers them, and I can only hope as I get more used to being in this climate again I will adjust. For now I am slowly, slowly returning to the land of the living today.

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