Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I am an optimistic person. I do believe in signs. That said, I don't know what kind of day must be ahead that I wake up with the words to the most annoying song on the planet running through my mind, "achey breaky heart" - what the ?!!?! It doesn't bode well, I don't think.

****must have been the $439 vet bill, the rest of the day was great! Thankfully it was mostly preventive maintenance stuff I was paying for, along with the chronic floppy-ear syndrome-type ear infections he is prone to which require swabs and tests and cleaning fluids and medications to make my little guy comfy and healthy. All a day in the life.


Anonymous said...

Simple pleasures, indeed!!! :) I loved your picture. These books are awesome and so unique...it is wonderful to hear other people's comments on them, like yours. The next two books in Ms. Gallup’s series are coming out at the end of Sept./early Oct.: Tree Crazy and Snow Crazy. They are also planning a line of dolls based on the books – coming in 2008!

mary boyer said...

and she has a book signing here in GR this saturday at MY B&N! (for the record, snow MAKES me crazy)!