Sunday, September 10, 2006


I am starting to see and feel fall in the air, the slight hint that change is occurring. There are a few colored leaves which have fallen, although what are on the trees still green but for a jewel or two. It's been dark and rainy since friday evening when thunderstorms rolled through, and with the dampness I can smell a few fires as neighbors try to take off the chill and get cozy. I spent the whole of yesterday snuggled in blankets with Ernie and piles of books around me, and admit to more than one snooze. What I look forward to after these days of rain are the glorious bright sunny days of autumn, filled with brilliant colors, pumpkins and gourds, and the house filled with the aroma of baking apple pies. It is such sensory overload, this time of year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so pretty and lush. My favorite photos are of tree-lined roads.