Saturday, September 02, 2006


This is my new favorite place in my backyard! Have always wanted a porch swing and I love it as much as I thought I would! I ended up purchasing this on the internet after searching for a nice one around here for awhile, it was a good price and they offered free shipping - gotta love that! Ironically I found when it arrived it was manufactured in the town in Ohio we'd lived in and raised the boys, and Joe had actually worked there a month or so (before he decided production work was not his deal) - small world! The next two pics are the before and after of my view from the swing. My neighbors have turned out to be overly friendly, and as he is newly retired seems to always come out there and wanting to chat the minute I sit down. Sometimes a girl just wants some peace and quiet, some privacy, ya know?! He'd actually driven my landscaper nuts and so I'd been told when he was finishing up the project he could come back and add trees at any time if I wanted. Well, I decided I wanted, and two eight-foot white pines were planted! I am happier and they like the trees too. I do imagine after living in their home for eight years and an empty wooded lot they'd looked on suddenly having been cleared and a home sprouting directly behind them that it came as a bit of a letdown to them anyway to lose what they'd had. Hopefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the pleasures and drawbacks of home ownership. Looks like a lovely peaceful place. Maybe a trellis or some kind of room divider is in order. I love my privacy, too.