Sunday, September 17, 2006

it's beginning to look alot like autumn!

There are days I wonder why I didn't buy a condo! I just finished power washing the house, whew. Took about four hours, a big job, which included moving all the furniture off the front porch (and putting it back), taking down all the screens, moving things around on the deck and back patio, etc. The worst part of it all though is hauling all the cords and hoses around with the dang thing - but the house was filthy from the build and dirt and mud of the landscaping, and it is a good thing to have done. And one I felt I had no choice but to tackle today as it most likely will be our last warm one for quite some time (although am crossing my fingers we have some semblance of indian summer yet) because the temps for the coming week are to be in the 50's, quite crisp! I do hope to get my doors painted this week, something I have been waiting to do until I came into possession of the power washer. Luke brought it with him last week from his dad's as he was swinging back around and heading back to Seattle after having enjoyed a two-week vacation. But it started raining the day after he left and although we've had a couple nice days now this my first chance to get at it.

Anyway, I'm filthy and a bit damp and in need of a shower but wanted to drink a diet coke and catch my breath a minute so sat down for the first time today to see what is happening in the cyber-world. Might then bake an apple pie with some apples I picked up at the farmer's market on friday. Also picked up this stack of squash which I just put on the now sparkling clean porch - aren't they cute?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you've sold me on getting a condo. Anyway, I love this shot of gourds -- a lovely autumn shot.