Sunday, March 04, 2007

...and so it goes, guess we are returning to "normality". Except I can't see my mailbox for the snow banks anymore, the mailman couldn't even make it up the street so just left anyway, and I somehow managed to bash my ankle which hurt like heck. You never know where you are going to find that silver lining however, as putting on my well-constructed snow boots for two+ hours while I went outside, shoveled and heaved the snow seemed just the thing for the ankle, although still ugly and bruised no longer swollen and hurts very little! There ya go.
I still remember my mom dressing us all in this get-up and telling us we were to go out and stay out for an hour - fresh air was good for us. (And her sanity?!) Invariably someone always had to go to the bathroom before she'd even finished getting everyone ready. Once out there I'd go and lay down, make snow angels, and watch the clouds in the sky. Although I do remember once standing with my nose on the back door begging to come back in. I've never liked winter much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It must be beautiful in the spring and summer there! I wish a quick thaw for you. Thanks for the snow poem. I'd never seen it before but it's lovely.