Thursday, January 11, 2007


You know how it is when you're feeling yucky - have a head cold, the weather is gray and dreary, that post-holiday time has arrived? That's me, I just have the blahs. Today I went out to the mail box and found a package all wrapped in vintage wallpaper mailed to me from Katie Kendrick. We met for the first time at ArtFest 2004, I think it was? Anyway, there was instant rapport between us. She is the most delightful person under the sun to be with and talk to. We both came to this mixed media art scene with no formal training, and I have been so amazed and proud of the growth she has had taking her art to higher and higher levels. Just love her and everything single little thing about her. She sent me this incredible collaged and painted box she'd made just for me and tucked inside a few treats as well, including tea and chocolate, all wrapped up in cheery hot pink! There couldn't be anything better I could have received today than all the love she sent my way. Thanks Katie!!!

1 comment:

katie said...

You are so welcome dear Mary. I'm glad it arrived when you needed a lift.