Monday, March 27, 2006


I've gotten much unpacked and am to the point I am starting to hang pictures and art on the walls today, finally - in some ways I can hardly belive a month has nearly been spent in this house but in others - well, I'll just say I am ready to be settled! This should improve my general frame of mind and bring this house all together, make it HOME. I have a room full of boxes of books and such upstairs yet but waiting on IKEA to deliver an identical couple sets of bookshelves to those I had to leave behind as the new owners of my NC house wrote them into the contract (I think they lusted after them as much as I do); they are for a full wall so as to convert a bedroom into a library. So, still lots to do, but am putting as my next plan of attack the art studio - I am so ready. Cross my fingers - by week's end I might be able to lose myself blissfully in creating some art - oh happy day! (was unable to add my pic yesterday, something wrong but I've amended it as today seems to be, indeed, a new day!)

1 comment:

Dale Anne Potter said...

Yes, blogger was really slow this afternoon.......I had to try quite a few times but they finally worked.
Try again!